The Flagrum/Flagellation of Jesus (HolyWeek2024)✍️
The premiere of the 2004 movie "The Passion of the Christ" shows the suffering that Jesus endured at the hands of people. The film has a lot of controversy because it portrays Jesus' suffering as horrific violence. Most people believe that the injuries Jesus received in the film were excessive (using redundant words to express their disapproval of the film because they find it unbearable to see Jesus covered in blood), which is why they say that the movie is "OA."
In observance of Lent, I'd like to share some information about the truths or details of the sufferings that I learned during my True-Life Retreat in October 2017. I hope it gives you a glimpse of Jesus' agony on the cross.
The instrument used to scourge Jesus is called "Flagellum or Flagrum" in Latin. It is a unique whip that is divided into three leather straps, and each is linked to a thong of sharp metal (lead) with a hook. According to the Shroud of Turin, the tip of the whip used on Jesus had a dumbbell-shaped plumbatae, or the so-called war dart of the Roman Empire.
Two Roman soldiers, accustomed to being merciless and brutal, were assigned the task of striking and alternately whipping the arrested until they had lacerations or cuts all over their bodies. From shoulder to hip, the soldiers intend to destroy the victim's body. They tied Jesus to a small pole, bending him in such an arc-like manner that even as He writhed in agony from the scourging, He remained in the same position, making sure that the sharp blows hit Him hard in the back.
The soldiers do not simply raise their hands to strike. Their hands spring from behind, giving them extra strength to strike the victim and ensuring that the flagrum's sharp metal tip hits the body of Jesus fully. When the soldier lashed the whip so hard, it stuck to Jesus' body, and when they suddenly pulled or withdrew it, Jesus' skin came out like a hanging piece of cloth. Jesus' skin thinned and gradually tore into the subsequent random whippings, revealing His bones and flesh. That's the level of intensity.
Scourgers are professionals who know which body parts are sensitive to pain. Unfortunately, Jesus' shoulders, neck, and arms were not spared from the lashes. This period of suffering is known as "the scourging of Jesus at the Pillar." As a result of the severe injuries sustained and the unending flow of blood, Jesus was in great physical discomfort (not to mention that He was in spiritual agony too at that time), paralyzed, and close to death, so it is understandable why Jesus is struggling to walk and carry His cross. Most people die at this stage of suffering, known as "scourging," because of the extreme whipping they suffer, and never make it to the next stage of "crucifixion."
However, in the light of all of this, let us thank our wonderful Savior, Jesus, the omniscient God who, knowing in advance the terrible suffering He would face to save people, did not back down but stepped forward, willingly giving His life on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and redeem us from the snares of hell (Matthew 20:19).
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for accepting and enduring the beatings for our sake. We deserved the punishment, but You accepted it for our own good, even though it will hurt You. Your love is beyond description. We sincerely apologize for any harm we have caused You. Thank you, Lord God, for forgiving us and paying for our sins on the cross. I declare that by Your blood, we have been redeemed out of the devil's hand, and by Your wounds, we are healed. Praise, glory and honor be unto You our Beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ, amen. Passion of The Christ 2024
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